April Daily Writing Challenge – Day 1 – Surprise

Today is Easter Sunday, and as has been our family tradition the past few years, we hopped in the car and headed for Millersburg to attend services at my home church, Trinity UCC. We left in plenty of time to make the 9:00AM service, and with light traffic, we arrived around 8:45.

As we drove up the street and passed the church to turn into the parking lot, I glanced at the sign…which read “Sunday Services 8:30 AM.” SURPRISE! For the first time in my 49 years (at least in my not-so-reliable-anymore memory), they had changed the service times. So we found one of the remaining spots in the parking lot and snuck in the back, trying to be inconspicuous.

The service, at least what we saw of it, was nice, very much like the ones I remember from the many years I attended there, and I got a chance to speak to some of the folks I’d grown up seeing in that church.

But as I looked around, I realized that there were quite a few unfamiliar faces in the sparse crowd in attendance. While I was happy to see some new faces, especially some younger families, a part of me waxed a bit nostalgic.

When I was growing up in Millersburg, one of the things I hated was the fact that nothing seemed to change. Millersburg seemed to be one of those places that time and the world passed by, leaving the little town mostly untouched, but in recent years, I’ve seen more and more things changing. The momentary shock and surprise of my home church’s change in service time, though a small and insignificant thing, quite honestly made me just a bit sad.

